
What an intriguing past few weeks.

I participated in an induction about the programmes and history of the foundation with 20 other employees and teachers. Introduced myself in Spanish and managed to follow the general gist of the 5 hour presentation and workshop. We then played a game in which I snagged an awesome coffee mug and a Fundacion Paraguaya clip as a reward for correctly answering the question (also in Spanish.)

The same week, the students put on a show for the teachers in honor of “dia de los maestros” – directly translated as “day of the masters” and we were treated to traditional dancing, skits and poetry. During the course of the show, pictures of the teachers were displayed on the projector and when yours truly appeared on screen the entire 150 students almost brought the house down! What a privilege to be so appreciated.

Then all the teachers received a gift. Upon opening up my present I burst out laughing! I had been given another mug!!! Classic. Wonder what that hidden meaning is?

My Spanish has finally taken a much anticipated and welcome leap for freedom during the past few days.

So here’s a thing: 0n Sunday, I did three loads of washing, had some tea and popcorn, read an Aldous Huxley novel, Brave new world-absolutely amazing, and watched the latest harry potter movie! Like I’m oscillating between being 10 and 50! What’s my age again? 

And now (big drum roll a la Beethoven, angels trumpeting in the heavens, fireworks exploding in my brain) The delicious and delightful woman I am blessed to be in love with is coming in the next 10 days.

The adventure is about to get even more fascinating. TODO BIEN!!! 

Certainly feels as if a frenetic cycle is coming to a close and a more stable one is beginning.

I have been here for nearly four months. I feel as if I can confidently go anywhere in the world and do anything, and the great thing is I still have 7 months to cultivate this new found assured confidence.There is an astronomically big difference between thinking you can do it and knowing you can…………………………….. And I am most pleased to be aware of this.

Adapting to circumstances like a chameleon shifting his colours.

Soaring gleefully like a young Eagle on his first flight.

Feeling powerful like a lion letting loose his first thunderous roar.

Transforming like a snake shedding old skin and emerging fresh and new.

It is so refreshing to be surrounded  by innocent and untainted minds. Simple and easy going. Shy but not self conscious. Unrestrained. Aware.






  1. Roger · May 1, 2012

    Ola, Buenas noches.
    Estimado Bret,
    Me allegro a saber que todo va bien.Yo pienso que despues de la ultima contacto personal tu has crecido mas que un metro!!!
    It is quite incredible how one can create impressions based on what you see and not on what is real.I saw you as a brash, arrogant, chip on the shoulder know it all of 20 plus years.Maybe you had earned that as a result of the image that was created out of being blonde, good looking and a great surfer.But that was ony the veneer?.The real Bret is now a very different(maybe not different but appearing to be a very different person to the one I first knew).I really enjoy your philosphical viewpoints and your grasp and appreciation of the real world.Yes, so much of what you say is so true.We, the so called 1st world really don,t have a clue as to what the real world is all about.Pauline and I have just returned from a visit to UK, Singapore and thaiiland and ,with the exeption of Thaiiland, We had the feeling that we were clones of the 21st century.Queue here, park there, eat this, do that, pay here, shop there.We have so much to learn!.
    Keep it up, keep writing, keep learning and above all, stay normal and healthy.
    Un abrazo,

    • NutMaGhandi · May 1, 2012

      Hi Roger.
      Thank you for your honesty. Indeed, when i arrived at the farm I was a product of being a well known, talented and successful surfer who “had it all”. I was searching for a new path in life and had discovered growing vegetables which lead of course to farming. Blake and I needed gentle guidance and encouragement and you were very “old school” in your approach to us. Taking the hard line which just made us rebellious and resentful. Out of this grew your perception of me. That said, I still to this day, appreciate that you gave us a chance on your land. I am very glad that you are able to see and feel what it is I am observing and experiencing over here. I have been through a lot and it all started on the farm. From experiences such as that I have learned. I am now able to express how I feel about society and the conformity of which you speak, whereas in the past I could not put into words the discomfort I felt at the state of reality that “society” is in and why it is so readily and easily accepted.I hope that goes some way to explaining. I am sure we will sit down,have a chat and get to know each other, someday in the future. I look forward to it.

      Life is all about awareness. We are not all the same.That’s why its great when we connect.
      Keep well Roger and regards to your wife as well(we haven’t even met!)

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